Allergies are a very common health problem for people all over the world.
You can be allergic to many things, but airborne allergies are the most prevalent. Put simply, this relates to things in the air that can trigger an allergic reaction. In most instances, you will have a stuffy or runny nose, watery/itchy eyes, an itchy throat, and possibly a rash. Your exact reaction depends on the allergy and how severe it is, but these are the most common symptoms.
Furthermore, allergies can exist throughout your home. So, if you've got any of the symptoms listed above, it's likely because you're allergic to something in the air at home. Again, in most cases, this will be down to the following:
Keeping that in mind, how do you avoid triggering allergies in your home? Even if you don't have them, someone else in your household might! It's better for your overall health and well-being if you focus on reducing the risk of triggering allergies in your property. So, here's what you should do:

Keep your home well ventilated
Open the windows or use a ventilation system to allow some fresh air into your home. This is crucial for preventing allergies as you can let the air out of your home that might contain allergens. With fresh air coming inside, you feel like you can take cleaner breaths without triggering any symptoms.
Invest in an air purifier
Similarly, you can purify the air in your home and get rid of harmful allergens with an air purifier. This is a simple device that you can buy from Amazon or any other online store, and it sucks things like dust from the air. It works really well if you have dust or mold allergies, and it's also effective at keeping the air cleaner if you have pets. There's no easy way of describing what an air purifier does, but you will notice a huge difference in air quality after using it for a few days. The best way to put it is that the air in your home feels easier to breathe!
Clean your carpets once a week
At least once per week, get your vacuum cleaner out to clean the carpets/rugs. These surfaces are guilty of harbouring loads of allergens - particularly dust and pet hairs. If they're not cleaned regularly, you'll constantly have allergy symptoms in your home. Expect to walk around with a stuffy nose all the time! Alongside this, some professional carpet cleaning is also advised. You don't need this once a week, but it's something you should seek out a few times per year to really get deep into your carpets. The cleaner your carpets are, the less risk there is of triggering airborne allergies.
Remove and prevent mold/mildew
Mold causes allergies as it releases spores into the air that a lot of people don't agree with. The same goes for mildew, and you typically find these things in areas where moisture likes to congregate. So, this will usually be in the bathroom, kitchen, or around window frames. Both mold and mildew are easy to spot as they manifest as black or green spores. If you spot this, you need to remove it right away. Bleach sometimes does the trick, but you may need professional mold removal services to get the job done. If you suspect that mold may be present, but are unsure, you can now buy at home mold test kit that can determine the presence of mold quickly and easily, allowing you to take action as soon as possible.
Then, it's a case of preventing mold/mildew from returning. Believe it or not, but this is genuinely extremely easy. All you have to do is keep surfaces dry in your home! Use a towel to try the walls after you shower or mop up any spillages in the kitchen. If your windows suffer from condensation, they might need to be replaced, but that's the only somewhat tricky thing to deal with.
Keep your house clean
Lastly, all you have to do to get rid of most allergens in your home is to keep it clean! We've already mentioned regular carpet cleaning, but this extends to all other parts of your home as well. Try to dust surfaces as regularly as possible, removing the dust from your rooms. Things like washing bed sheets and cushion covers are also crucial, ridding them of any potential allergens. The cleaner your home is, the less risk there will be of triggering allergic reactions.
After following these steps, you'll be amazed at how much fresher your home feels. The air will be easier to breathe, you'll no longer have a stuffy nose every day, and allergies won't be triggered!
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