We seem to go from one extreme to the other in the UK, cold dull and miserable or boiling hot like it is now.
I know some of you may be reading this from different parts of the world, and if you’re in Europe, then I know how much sun you will be getting at the minute.
With countries such as France experiencing record temperatures going up to 46 degrees, it’s easy to see why the world is stressing about the heat at the minute. Parts of the world that aren't experiencing summer at the minute, are experiencing a warmer winter than ever before. So, it’s about time that we start thinking about taking that summer fun outside, without even thinking about going out and parting with our hard earned cash all of the time.
Because that is what we tend to do. We always seem to go out and spend money on food, drinks, theme parks. We sometimes forget the simple fun that we can have at home which is only a one time investment, but years of fun to come with it. So here’s how you can take the summer fun outside of your home, and make it last all summer!
The Perfect Garden Setup
So the garden is where you should be spending a lot of your time. It’s all well and good wanting to go out, but in the summer months the weather can be just too hot to be walking around, and attractions are often crowded when you get there. What's meant to be a relaxing day can turn into a stressful one.
So try enjoying your own garden, if you can, you really need to think about getting the perfect garden setup sorted. If like me you work from home a lot, taking the PC out in the garden can be problematic when you can't see the screen because of the sun. One option to consider to combat this is a patio roof. It gives you that perfect shaded area for you to enjoy, plus if the summer only keeps on getting hotter, you’re definitely going to need that space to relax under. Then just keep the garden nice and relaxed. You could get yourself a nice table and chairs and a BBQ to give you that social space that a lot of gardens are lacking, and BBQ’s are full of tech at the minute that helps you to produce that perfect meal! Burnt on the outside, raw on the inside can be a thing of the past.
Getting That Pretty Summer Garden Vibe
Wouldn't it be great if you could spend your time in the garden admiring how pretty it is, and that’s where all of the decoration you can put in comes into play. Trees, bushes, and plants are all perfect for creating that pretty garden vibe, and gardening is not as taxing as people make it out to be. Once you have them all planted, simple watering and feeding is all that needs to be done every couple of days, along with the occasional pruning, and before you know it you’ll have this flourishing garden to be proud of!
Make Your Home The Social Hub!
There’s no better time than now to start planning. Get family and friends round for a BBQ and a few drinks, and make sure you have some fun!
Love Tx