Light has obviously always been crucial for humans across the world.
Let's face it, darkness can often feel scary, so it's common sense that people have long been using light inside their homes. In the past, fire would have been used for this, with things like candles, lanterns, and even torches being used to keep places safe and bright.
Nowadays, though, you will be using it to make your home look better or create ambience and Autumn is the perfect time to take a look at the lighting in your home if you want to create that cosy hygge feeling many of us desire.
Danes, for example, select lamps carefully and place them strategically to create soothing pools of light. So let's explore some of the key factors to consider when choosing lighting for your home.
Natural vs. Manufactured
There is much debate about the best type of light to have in your home, with a lot of people arguing that natural light is the best. Of course, though, when you choose to have manufactured light in your home, you will have far more options, and this is a cost effective benefit which many of us can’t ignore. Natural light will often illuminate a whole room, but you will be limited to windows and things like glass barn doors to be able to get it inside. Manufactured light can come from a huge range of sources such as ceiling lamps and table lamps so on, giving you a lot more freedom when it comes to using it.
The perfect light for hygge is thought to be the golden hour - roughly the first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset when the sun is low and produces a warm soft, diffused light. You can also create a similar glow by bringing out the candles. If you want to go for the manufactured option then opt for several smaller lamps around the room rather than one big lamp in order to create caves of light around the room.
Next up, it’s time to think about colour, with the shade of the light you choose to fill your home making a huge difference when it comes to the way the whole place looks. Most people like to have simple white lights around their home, though modern LED bulbs have opened the doors to a lot more colour. RGB bulbs can be controlled with a remote or even a smartphone (which is also great for security when you're out), and will often have practically unlimited colours for you to choose from. Whether you want to have a natural feel or set the scene for something romantic, being able to change to colour of the lights in your home can prove to be a big benefit.
With so many indoor lighting options available, it makes sense to take some time to think about where different types of light could go in your home. Tables are a great place for small lamps, while floors can also be home to taller options. Most rooms will already have a ceiling light, and you can also add them to the walls, enabling you to use every surface in your home for lighting. Smaller lamps will usually cover a smaller area, making a room feel more ambient and cosy. Keeping this in mind, you should be able to choose the right lamps for each of the locations you have in mind.
Keeping a home lit isn’t hard in the modern world. There are loads of products on the market which can help with this, making it possible to fill your home with the perfect harmony of lighting to make your visitors envious.
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